Daftar istilah-istilah dalam dunia Oftalmologi
Browse the glossary using this index
Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
A |
AAssesment | |
A1Atropine 1% | |
AAAmplitudo of accommodation | |
AA/VVArteri/vena | |
AACGAcute related macular degeneration | |
AAOORAcute annular occult outer retinopathy | |
ABDAbduksi | |
ABKAphakic bullous keratopathy | |
ACAnterior chamber | |
ACAAnterior cerebral artery | |
ACCAnterior central curve | |
ACDAnterior chamber depht | |
ACGAngle closure glaucoma | |
ACLSAdvanced cardiac life support | |
ADDAdded power for near vision | |
ADVAdenovirus | |
AFGEAir fluid gas exchange | |
AGISAdvanced glaucoma interveniton study | |
AHCAcute haemorrage conjunctivitis | |
AHMAnterior hyaloid membrane | |
AIAuto immune | |
AIDSAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome | |
AIMAcute idiopathic maculopathy | |
ALAxial length | |
ALCAnterior lacrimal crest | |
ALKAutomated lamellar keratoplasty | |
ALTArgon laser trabeculoplasty | |
AMAstoma myopia | |
AMDAdvanced macular degeneration | |
ANTAnterior | |
APKAphakic bullous keratoplasty | |
APPLApplanation tension | |
ARGAngle recession glaucoma | |
ARMAge related maculopathy | |
ARMDAge related macular degeneration | |
ASAAmerican society of anesthesiology | |
ASCAnterior subcapsular cataract | |
ASTAstigmatisma | |
ATApplanation tonometry | |
AVODAcuity visual oculer dextra | |
AVOSAcuity visual oculer sinistra | |
AXLAxial length | |
B |
BAOBranch artery occlusion | |
BARNBilateral acute retinal necrosis | |
BCBase curve | |
BCVABest corrected visual acuity | |
BLEPBlepharoplasty | |
BOBinocular indirect ophthalmoscopy | |
BPBells palsy | |
BRABranch retinal artery | |
BRAOBranch retinal artery occlusion | |
BRVOBranch retinal vein occlucion | |
BSBlind spot | |
BSCBandage soft contact lens | |
BSSBalanced salt solution | |
BSVBinocular single of vision | |
BVOBranch vein occlusion | |
BxBiopsy | |
C |
CACarsinoma | |
CAGClosed angle glaucoma | |
CATCataract | |
CBConjuctiva bulbi | |
CCCContinuos curvilinear capsulorhexis | |
CDCup disk | |
CD RATIOCup disk ratio | |
CECataract extraction | |
CLContact lens | |
CMECystoid macular edema | |
CMVCyromegalovirus | |
CNSCentral nervous system | |
CNVChoroida neovascularization | |
CNVMChoroida neovascularization membrane | |
COACamera oculi anterior | |
COAGCronic open angle glaucoma | |
CPVClosed posterior vitrectomy | |
CRACentral retina artery | |
CRAOCentral retinal artery occlusion | |
CSCCentral serious choroidopathy | |
CSMEClinical significant macular edema | |
CSRCentral serious retinopathy | |
CTRCapsular tension ring | |
CVColour vision | |
D |
DDiopter | |
DALKDeep anterior lamellar keratoplasty | |
DCRDacriocystorhinostomy | |
DD/Differential diagnosis | |
DEGDegeneration | |
DLEKDeep lamelar endothelial keratoplasty | |
DMEDiabetic macular edema | |
DRDiabetic retinopathy | |
DSAEKDescemets stripping automatic endothelial keratoplasty | |
DVADistance visual acuity | |
E |
ECCEExtra capsullar cataract extraction | |
EDEye drops | |
EKCEpidemic keratoconjuctivitis | |
ERGEletro Retinogram | |
ERMEphithelium retinal membrane | |
F |
FAFluorescein angiofrpahy | |
FAZFoveal avascular zone | |
FBForeign body | |
FFFoto fundus | |
FFAFundus fluorescein angiography | |
FGEFluid gas exchange | |
G |
GFEGas fluid exchange | |
GPCGiant papilary conjuctivitis | |
GPHGiant papilary hypertropy | |
H |
HCLHard contact lens | |
HEHard exudates | |
HFHeavy fluid | |
HKHerpes keratitis | |
HpHypermetropia | |
HRTHeidelberg retinal topography | |
HTOHypertension ocular | |
HVFHumphrey visual field | |
HVOHemicentral retinal vein oclusion | |
HZOHerpes zoster | |
I |
ICCEIntra capsular cataract extraction | |
IKInterstitial keratitis | |
ILMInternal limiting membrane | |